Meditation – Deepen your Experience
Seeking the deeper meaning of life, Jogyata Dallas spent his younger years in adventurous and unusual pursuits. He eventually found his spiritual home with meditation teacher, Sri Chinmoy, after he saw a picture of Sri Chinmoy with the aphorism: “Peace that comes from inner awakening is the peace everlasting”. Nowadays he lives like an urban monk and finds joy through travelling and giving free meditation classes. Jogyata teaches about the benefits of meditation and being in nature as an antidote to modern life. Echoing the wise words of his own teacher, Sri Chinmoy, Jogyata reminds us that our so-called failures in life are simply experiences that prepare us for a brighter future, for tomorrow’s dawn [1].
His teachings are above all practical and popular with peace seekers from all walks of life. “Meditation today is becoming established and popular in mainstream society, in our workplaces, our schools and personal lives. Meditation can help to create the optimum conditions for vitality and efficiency”, he writes. Jogyata describes the mind as the waves on the surface of the lake, constantly moving. Meditation stills this restlessness so that we can see down into the lake’s depths, the quiet inner spaces. The benefits of this effort to still the mind are numerous. It awakens our spiritual nature, which in turn, changes our existence from the inside out. This is a common theme in many different approaches to meditation: happiness as a state of mind, arising not from outer circumstances, but inner calm. In this philosophy, happiness is an inner achievement and is accompanied by simplicity, a calm mind, fewer desires and a clear sense of purpose [2].
As well as being a well-known meditation teacher, Jogyata is also a wonderful writer and storyteller, with many books and articles to his credit. A few are shared here [3].
Jogyata meditated with Sri Chinmoy for decades and draws upon this personal experience of Sri Chinmoy’s inspirational teachings [4] to help those searching for a life of deeper meaning. He reflects Sri Chinmoy’s approach to meditation, that is, that each person meditates in a unique way. Every sincere effort brings down grace. Grace is indeed one of the secrets of meditation. Like a loftier version of the law of attraction, our personal effort results in progress which becomes a virtuous circle of positivity. Devotion is also an important aspect of Sri Chinmoy’s philosophy, espoused by Jogyata. Devotion brings sweetness, compassion and humility into our lives. In a deeply personal reflection on his relationship with his own teacher, Jogyata writes that Sri Chinmoy was immensely loving. “He looked at me and saw something which I did not see in myself, he accepted me completely and encouraged me. It was a very beautiful discovery to meet another human being who clearly embodies what it means to be a God-realized master” [5].
[3] Homepage of Jogyata Dallas
[5] YouTube: Meditation on Sri Chinmoy Path – Interview with Jogyata